The Divine Flute - poem by Kusum Shukla


I was recently asked the question  – what inspires me to write poetry and my answer is devotion to the Divine and encouragement from Nature.

Sometimes, it is the art work in front of me that acts as Muse to my pen.

That’s what happened with my poem The Divine Flute. I was preparing my selection for an art exhibition and had selected Ocean Rhapsody.

I had the urge to write and the poem that emerged is shared below with the reader.


The Divine Flute by Kusum Shukla

When Nature decides

to adorn herself

with tiny floral beauties

ornaments self prepared

with colours and fragrances

very transient

yet so very permanent

in the memory of Time

ageless & profound


Red roses and golden yellow marigolds

cast reflections of themselves

in friendship with

the cluster of lapis blue Lotuses

blossoming in the pond below


The brown represents

the earth in a floral form

with delicate twigs

as the beginning of creativity

to support the creation

as a support Divine


The turquoise blue Lotus

in the midst of shimmering sunshine

as the presence of Lord Krishna

giving love and care

to the entire Universe

and Existence beyond


The green as the Celestial Sound

of the Divine Flute of Lord Krishna

in a mellifluous effort

to create harmony & tranquillity

sustaining it with the purity of snow-like feathers

Of a graceful swan

inhaling the Melody of Emotions!




Appreciation of Krishna’s Divine Flute and tribute to Nature
Encourage me with a share! Thanks in advance
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